How to buy cryptocurrency for rubles: a complete guide

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That was a real Bitcoinomania that has swept the world recently. In just a few years, the Bitcoin rate has grown substantially, eliminating all the possible projections on itself. Such a staggering growth and such high-profile market events have drawn attention to cryptocurrency all over the world, including Russia. No to mention that Bitcoins were noticed even in the Russian government, where they were already actively developing the legal framework for regulating the exchanges and the sale of cryptocurrencies. In some countries, Bitcoin is already legalized as the official payment unit, and you can easily buy a hot dog, a computer or even a new car for digital money.

The most Bitcoin friendly countries are Japan, Sweden, Estonia, USA, Australia, Denmark, South Korea, the Netherlands, Canada, Great Britain and Finland.

According to the predictions of the overwhelming majority of experts, cryptocurrency is expanding every month and it will only continue to grow, so now it is high time to seriously consider investing in this area. Of course, as it happens to any other currency, the investors are looking for the most profitable places to buy Bitcoins in order to have solid ground on the crypto market in the future. That is why the question of exchanging traditional currencies for digital money arises more often both in the people's minds and in various search queries on the Internet.

The number of Russian-language search queries on the topic of buying and exchanging Bitcoins in Yandex search engine is already estimated at tens of thousands of queries per month.

Exchange bitcoins on rubles

In Russia, due to the conservatism of the majority of the population, there is an opinion that it is very difficult to exchange rubles on Bitcoins and even hard to find a place to buy them. No one trusts in either physical exchangers or online funds, saying that fraud and deception is all over the place. We are pleased to announce that you finally found the right platform! At Matbea.com, you can buy Bitcoins in absolute safety and security. Exchanging rubles to Bitcoins and vice versa is executed automatically 24/7. This means that the human-factor is completely excluded, and your rubles or Bitcoins will be safely and securely transferred to your online wallet. Our experts monitor market events daily in order to offer the most favorable exchange conditions for you.

The total capitalization of the cryptocurrency market today is in the billions of dollars. In recent years, Bitcoin has not just gained more trust but a lot of people, both ordinary people and major players on the exchange market, started actively investing in it.

Please notice that our service not only allows you to buy Bitcoins on good conditions, but it also securely stores your savings. With our newest security system and three-factor authentication, you will be able to sleep peacefully without worrying about your money at all. Everything that needs to be done for the safe storage of Bitcoins, we have already done for you. So what do you have to do in order to buy Bitcoins on our service? We will tell you all about it in a simple step by step instruction below.

Action. Create a wallet and replenish your account.

In order to exchange rubles in your account (the amount is displayed on the left in the “My accounts” section) on Bitcoins, you need to follow a few simple steps. Go to the “Operations” section and this time we are interested in the “Exchange” tab. After you reach the exchange page, all you need to do is enter the amount in rubles on the left. The amount of your funds when transferring to Bitcoins is automatically displayed in the field on the right.

You can find out how many rubles you have in terms of Bitcoins and vice versa. To do this, enter the number of Bitcoins in the field on the right, and you will see the amount per ruble in the field on the left.

Now you just have to click the "Exchange" button, after that all the operations will occur in automatic mode, and you get your first bitcoins! Congratulations! Now you have a reliable investment for the medium and long term, and most importantly your funds are kept in a safe place. You can always access them by logging in to matbea.com.

That's it! Now you have a full-fledged online wallet, which already has a part of your own Bitcoin savings.

Send purchased bitcoins

Do you want to send bitcoins?

What do you need to do if after buying Bitcoins you want to transfer some of them to another Bitcoin wallet? We've got you covered! Matbea.com allows you to send funds to another wallet whenever you need it. In order to send some of your Bitcoins to the certain address, you need to go back to the “Operations” section, but this time you need to select the “Send Bitcoin” tab. Here you only need to enter the recipient's mobile number or bitcoin wallet number, after that your funds will be safely transferred.

As a rule, funds are credited within a few minutes. The minimum transfer amount is 0.000055 BTC. If you have any problems or questions while sending Bitcoins to another address, you can always contact our Support Team.

Tags: current, cryptocurrency news, crypto, Elon Musk, doge coin

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