make deals on your own terms

P2P offers

Our advantages


A wide range of buyers and market prices

MATBEA provides a consistently high trading volume for your orders and fully market-based pricing


A large number of payment instruments

P2P allows you to flexibly configure the methods of funds deposit / withdrawal. We are constantly adding new payment methods

Russian payment systems are supported for users residing in Russia


Flexible commission settings

P2P merchants can independently set interest rates on transactions

No fees required for transfers within the platform


Any user can become a P2P merchant


An all-in-one wallet for personal and business accounts

How does P2P work ?

Create an order

Select the P2P merchant with whom you’d like to start a deal using filters and ratings. After that, create an order.


Make the payment

Send funds to the chosen P2P merchant via their preferred payment method. Complete the transaction and click «Confirm» on MATBEA P2P.


Exchange fiat for cryptocurrency

As soon as the seller confirms receipt of funds, your balance will be automatically replenished and you will be able to exchange fiat for any cryptocurrency.


Create an order

Select the P2P merchant with whom you’d like to start a deal using filters and ratings. After that, create an order.


Receive the transfer

Wait for the funds to be transferred to your account. They’ll be reflected in your balance.



Confirm receipt of funds by clicking the «Confirm» button and complete the transaction.


Your money is safe


We use three-factor user authentication:
- SMS or e-mail code
- Google Authenticator
- Pin code


We care about the security of collecting and storing personal data and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR


We are monitoring the legality of transactions and with international requirements regarding the policy of money laundering (AML)

Cold Wallet

Using cold wallets

In order to become a P2P merchant

You need to:



Register on our platform by phone or email



Pass identity verification (confirmations take approximately 1 minute)


Set your payment options

Select your accepted payment systems


Earn money

Make your first trade and start earning!

Download MATBEA mobile app and trade on the go

Download our app and trade cryptocurrencies anytime, anywhere



If you haven't found the answer to your question or you're having trouble in transfer, please contact our technical support and we'll help you!

What is P2P?

A service that allows you to exchange rubm codes for fiat and back directly between system users. That is, you can buy cryptocurrency from another MATBEA user.

Who is a merchant?

A merchant is a MATBEA user who creates offers for the purchase or sale of cryptocurrency. Any other user can use his offer.

What cryptocurrencies are supported in P2P?

In P2P MATBEA there is no direct opportunity to buy or sell cryptocurrency, however, you can operate through internal rubm codes, which are neither cryptocurrency nor fiat. However, rubm can be exchanged through the exchange for any cryptocurrency.

How to become a merchant?

To become a merchant, simply register on our platform using your phone or e-mail, go through a quick identity verification and select your preferred payment systems, after which you will be able to make transactions and earn money.

What are “Express deposit” and “Express withdrawal”?

Express selection allows you to quickly create an application; the offer will be selected automatically by the system.

What are “All offers for deposit” and “All offers for withdrawal”?

This is a section in your personal account where you can independently choose an offer and create an application under favorable conditions.

How is the rate determined?

The merchant himself sets the rate, and the user chooses the most suitable one.

Which banks are supported?

We support the SBP, to which all banks are connected.

Do you have any questions? Contact us